Welcome to Veronika Barsky’s photography course
Who is this course for?
— For those who have just picked up a camera and absolutely do not know what to do with it
— For those who dream of finding their own style
— For those who are tired of sitting for hours processing and want to achieve the perfect source picture
— For those who are tired of shooting for pennies
I will teach you how to shoot beautifully and expensively

Course program
lesson 1

- All about setting up the camera in manual mode. Exposure.
- White balance. Bracketing.
- The components of an ideal source image: light, color, composition.
lesson 2

- The use of life hacks to find the perfect light
- Shooting at any time of the year and time of day. Favorable shooting conditions, natural light
- Studio light
- Additional lighting sources.
- My working schemes
- Special effects and additional “buns” during shooting
lesson 3

- What is coloristics in photography
- Harmonious and color solutions and their impact on the viewer
- What is a color wheel and how to apply it correctly
lesson 4

- Rule of thirds
- The Golden Ratio
- How to correctly position an object in the frame
- How to choose the right place to shoot
- Additional props
- Shooting in motion
lesson 5

- Psychology of working with children and adults
- Primary contact. How to avoid mistakes by asking the right questions and delivering the right information
lesson 6

- Target audience analysis
- Identifying strengths and weaknesses
- Creating a unique trade offer. Photography + additional products
- Sales techniques
- Pricing. Formation of service packages. How to make money on a photo project.
lesson 7

- What is a photo project and why they are so loved.
- Plot shooting and why it helps us
- Creating a photo project with 0. Detailed instructions
lesson 8

- Batch photo processing
- Presets. What is it and why processing takes 15 minutes with them
lesson 9

- Detailed photo processing
- Skin retouching
- Magical frame processing. Adding effects. Collaging
- Actions and how they make life easier for us
- Plugins. What are they and how to apply them

Bonus lesson. INSPIRATION.
- Where to get ideas from
- Watchfulness and its help in work
- Repetition of someone else’s work: plagiarism or a look from a different angle?
- Online learning — the opportunity to study anywhere in the world
- After each lesson, homework with feedback
- Handouts: checklists, manuals
- By the end of the training, a ready-made portfolio
- Electronic certificate of completion of the course
- Publishing the best works in the stories of my instagram account
- Communication and support after training
Choose your type of training:
Online training
— Skype training 2 times a week
— Comfortable group of up to 6 people
— All lessons in the recording remain with you forever
— Handout in electronic form
— Certificate of completion in electronic form
Cost: 8000 RUB
90 USD
80 EUR
Off-line training “mini”
— personal 3-day training
— 1 practical lesson for your portfolio
— Small group of up to 3 people
— Handout in printed form
— Certificate of completion in printed form
Cost: 15000 RUB
160 USD
150 EUR
Individual offline training
— personal training 1-2 times a week
— A day convenient for you
— A practical lesson after each lesson for your portfolio
— Handout in printed form
— Certificate of completion in printed form
Cost: 25000 RUB
270 USD
250 EUR